Reserve fund studies

Looking Over City Scaled

Building deterioration is a fact of life. Smart building owners make sure they have a plan for all the predictable future repairs and replacements their property will need. Across Canada, condominiums, strata corporations, and coproprietaires use reserve fund studies to guide their plans for future funding.

For condominium corporations, a reserve fund study is a legal requirement in almost every province and territory in Canada.

What is a reserve fund study? A reserve fund study is your plan for preserving your condo, from roof to foundation and from curb to fence. It is a financial planning and budgeting document that details major repairs and future replacement costs of common elements for a condominium corporation. In order to prepare the report, a specialist is brought in to conduct a physical assessment of property assets, analyze the reserve fund, and offer recommendations to ensure sufficient funds are available to cover all projected costs.

The plan allows you to start saving now to help avoid large future special assessments. As a result, your condo board will be able to make informed decisions that will protect your investment

Egis is one of Canada’s oldest and most trusted reserve fund study providers. We provide reliable capital expenditure plans for residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings.

Ask for a free proposal for your next reserve fund study today. Call toll free 1-888-348-8991.

Featured reserve fund study projects.

Waterclub Project
Waterclub Towers, Reserve Fund StudiesBuildings & Property
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Solaris Feature
Solaris 1 and 2 at MetrogateBuildings & Property
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Palace Pier Home
Palace PierBuildings & Property
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IMG 5093 800X515
York Region Condominium Corporation 1406Buildings & Property
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GEDC4513 800X515
The Met 2Buildings & Property
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1 Post Road 9 800X515
Metropolitan Toronto CondominiumBuildings & Property
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IMG 0475 800X515
Simcoe Standard Condominium Corporation 307Buildings & Property
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IMG 20170728 102830 800X515
York Region Standard CondominiumBuildings & Property
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Reserve fund study FAQ.

What is included in a Reserve Fund Study?
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What do Reserve Fund Strudies Cost?
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How do you determine futur repair costs?
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What is a notice of future Funding?
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How to know Reserve Fund Study is accurate?
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Liaison Roissy Picardie

Peace of mind – Now & for the future

We have the in-house expertise to efficiently provide all aspects of your study. Most of the expert consultants we need are all under the same roof. Our longevity in the field has created many professional affiliations to supplement any expertise that may be required. Want to get more from your reserve fund study? Toll free 1-888-348-8991.