Air quality service offered:
- Monitoring of air quality comfort and general air quality parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), total volatile organic compound (TVOC) and particulate matter (PM10)
- Evaluate the building ventilation system
- Investigating for odours
- Sampling for all common indoor pollutants
- Mould and bacteria testing
- Development of Indoor air quality management plans
- Post-fire air quality testing
Noise is unwanted sound and it is one of the most common physical occupational hazards. In a typical industrial setting like heavy manufacturing, permanent hearing loss is one of the main health concerns. Sound is measured based on amplitude and frequency. Noise exposure limits is dependent on the criterion level and exchange rate. The allowable acceptable maximum level for an 8hr period is frequently set at 85dB (A), but varies depending on each province.
Egis conducts comprehensive noise surveys in all types of settings including manufacturing plants, offices, schools etc. We conduct assessments for occupational noise exposures in manufacturing workplaces and in office settings. Our assessments include personal noise exposure, noise mapping and octave band analysis. We provide recommendation on controlling noise hazard at source through engineering controls, hearing protection devices and conservation programs for your plant/facility.
Electromagnetic field (EMFs) survey
An electromagnetic field is a physical force produced by an electrically charged object. Electric and magnetic fields (EMF) are produced by power lines, electrical wiring and electrical equipment. Our team of experts conduct assessments for static magnetic fields associated with permanent magnets and sub-radio frequency magnetic fields including extremely low frequency, voice frequency, electrical wiring, appliances, induction heaters, cathode ray tubes and video display terminals.
Heat stress
Workers who are exposed to extreme amounts of heat or work in a hot environment may be at risk of heat stress.
Employers have a duty under Section 25(2)(h) of the qccupational health and safety act to take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for the protection of a worker. This includes developing policies and procedures to protect workers in hot environments due to hot processes or hot weather.
The Ministry of Labour (MOL) recommends the current threshold limit value (TLV) for heat stress and heat strain published by the american conference of governmental industrial hygienists (ACGIH). These values are based on preventing unacclimatized workers’ core temperatures from rising above 38oC.
Egis has highly qualified experts to conduct heat stress assessments and recommend solutions to alleviate heat stress issues.
Radon is a radioactive gas produced by the natural breakdown (radioactive decay) of uranium. Uranium is present to some extent in all rocks and soils. Radon works its way to the surface through porous soil or cracks in rocks.
Outdoors, air radon is diluted to very low concentrations so it is generally not a health hazard. However, within a building, radon can accumulate to high concentrations and pose a serious risk to the health of occupants. The predominant health effect associated with exposure to elevated levels of radon is lung cancer.
Indoor levels depend on the building’s construction, the rate of radon seepage and ventilation conditions. The amount of radon gas concentration in the air is measured in picocuries per litre (pCi/l) or becquerel per cubic meter (Bq/m3). The average concentration found in outdoor air is typically less than 1 pCi/l. While no amount of radon gas is considered “safe,” guidelines for indoor radon concentrations are recommended by some institutions.
Health Canada recommends remedial measures should be undertaken in a dwelling whenever the average annual radon gas concentration exceeds 200 Bq/m3 in the normal occupancy area. The higher the radon gas concentration, the sooner remedial measures should be undertaken.
Egis has highly trained Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP) certified staff to perform radon assessment tailored to your needs.